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BLE Warm-Up #2
Find Your Device MAC Address

Looking for your own BLE device (the Bluefruit-LE board) but can’t recognize it?

Every device can be recognized by it’s MAC address.


  1. Open the “atcommands” Sketch
    (File-> example->"Adafruit BluefruitLE nRF51"->atcommands)

  2. Compile and upload the sketch, and open the Arduino Serial Monitor.

  3. In the serial monitor, type “AT+BLEGETADDR” and press “SEND”.

  4. The MAC address of your BLE device will be printed to screen (write it down!).

  5. Now you can look for it on the Bluefruit-LE Application, by pressing on one of the devices with a high RSSI and check if the MAC address matches.


Here are screenshots for the process:

Picture-1 : "atcommand" sketch example

Picture-2 : Running "BLEGETADDR" command and getting the MAC address as a result.

Picture-3 : Identifying your device by MAC address, in the Bluefruit LE Mobile Application

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